Tuesday, July 13, 2004


World anger

Everyone's welcome here - to stay or to go. There's no need for abuse.

I understand anger. I'm an angry person myself. But I don't understand lashing out simply for the sake of. It accomplishes nothing. It doesn't just release negative energy; it expounds on it, increases it exponentially. If it doesn't get me tangible, useful results, I don't throw a tantrum. Mostly, I don't just get mad; I get even. That's very satisfying. I don't believe in being angry and stupid at the same time.

Take the hostage crisis in Iraq at the moment. The Philippines has announced its pull-out from Iraq. I don't exactly know how to react to the whole thing. So, okay. You pull out your mainly "humanitarian" crew in exchange for the life of one man. So how are you assured that the one life you save will, indeed, be saved? Even CNN has nothing on that regard.

The whole thing is so stupid. The one thing I've noticed among the various news stories about this is the confusion -- about the deadlines, the stand of the Philippine government on the demands, whether or not Dela Cruz has been released already.

Confusion. Anger. The two don't mix. The Iraqi rebels/terrorists are angry. But this is where things get interesting. They had no hesitation when their demands were rejected by the US: they beheaded their American hostage. As well, they quickly beheaded their Korean hostage when Korea made it clear it wasn't negotiating. After such a terrifying show of arms and brute force, the terrorists had to get themselves a Filipino hostage.

This country and its government have never successfully dealt with terrorists. Case in point: the Abu Sayyaf. That one is just small fry compared to the Khaled Bin Al-Walid. Conrado De Quiros put it well in his column today. The former is a criminal gang; the latter, a political group. The former terrorized the country; the latter was a victim of terrorism committed by the Coalition of the Willing under the witless leadership of Bush, Jr..

This government could either not spot the major glaring difference between its past failures and the present crisis, or it did and panicked, giving in to the maudlin cries of a romanticized people.

Interesting to note that the Philippine Catholic clergy has not made one single statement about the situation. What? No opinion, Your Eminences? Is this a case wherein the inviolable separation of church and state is to be strictly enforced? In other words, you guys don't want to voice out an unpopular stand, do you? Local economy affecting Sunday collections badly, huh?

I've always advocated a "no-negotiations" policy myself. Admittedly, easy to say when the victim is not a relative or a loved one. But, at the end of the day, there is only one way to deal with terrorists: ignore, don't give them legitimacy by folding in to their demands. This decision to pull out by the Philippine government now raises the specter of future victims whose families will ask: What made Angelo Dela Cruz so sacred that he should be spared and our loved ones, sacrificed?

The Inner Slut and I are disgusted with the way things have turned out. War is always ugly. And we're bored. Haven't had a good fuck in weeks. Had a great time by myself this morning, though. No explosive cums, but good practice for what's to come. My Dale's flying to Hong Kong on Wednesday, returning Thursday. Might get to see him Friday, or not. Bored, bored, bored.

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