Monday, June 14, 2004


Dark out there...

When people end up hurting you, ignore them. People hurt you only when you let them. And when you let people hurt you, be sure it means that you've let them inside your world because you love them.

You never know people. There's only one way to get to know them, and disappointment and frustration are part of the package. Communication is a big part of this process. You stop at communicating, you end the process. But there is, of course, a point when communication bogs down or doesn't work because you can't get through to the other person anymore. That's when you know it's ended.

When you communicate and persist in communicating, you're braving the process, because there are only two possibilities: either you're accepted, in which case, you've gotten through, or you're rejected, and that's the end of it. So when you make up your mind to persist, you have to be sure that the person is worth the pain and the sorrow the whole thing produces.

Such a simple thing, communicating, but very value-laden. Lots of undertones to the act. Unfortunately, very few people seem to understand what it means to keep the channels open. It is this insensitivity that gets to me. People are so full of themselves, they can't feel the other person anymore.

Very sad.

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