Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Butterflies in my tummy
Carl's coming over to spend a week with me. Too much, too soon? I'm having nervous tension just thinking about the possibilities. I'm so darn bored with my life, I just might take up Carl on his offer. Read on...
To: Emyn Galad
From: Carl ________
Hi Sweet Emyn
Thanks so much for your special letter. Your words meant a lot to me and I appreciate you returning to me the feelings I have been having for you. Over the last few months my feelings for you have gotten ever stronger and even tho we've yet to meet I have such confidence that we will become very close very quickly. I have tried to be honest with you from day one, about what I was looking for in a partner and although my first letter spoke mainly of having someone I could be close to and share sexually, another deeper desire is to have that special bond of love between us that would be for us only. I have a feeling that we may well find that with our relationship. I have felt that growing between us from day one. Please don't have fears about disappointing me. It won't happen. As I've said before, I'm a good judge of people and their motives and we will get on just fine - trust me on this.
I'm so sorry you're not feeling that great just now but I promise you it's gonna get better soon! Apologies if I called you at a bad time. I can be very impulsive tho and - well - I just wanted to hear your voice. I've been going thu some difficult stuff here too and to hear your voice justs makes all the difference. Yesterday I organised my travel insurance and bought a few bits and pieces and the day before I ordered some Pesos for pick up next week.
So it's all coming together so that we can be together soon.
Sorry - duty calls and I gotta dash off to Sydney all day. Take Care Emyn and write soon.
With Love - Carl xxx