Thursday, January 15, 2004


Question & answer

From my dearest Dale:

"I hope you know sweetheart how much I feel about you, I would hate to stifle you and I love your free spirit. My time with you is very precious to me and I enjoy it whether talking to you on the phone or when I am with you.

"I think the best thing I can say about our relationship is the more I know you, the more I know about myself.

"I am also reminded of a song by my my favourite guy Harry Chapin, it's called "Let Time Go Lightly" and it is about a busy guy but when he is with the person he really cares for he lets time go lightly, in the same way 'I let time go lightly when I'm with you'."

In response to my email:

"i lost it. i must've deleted it. anyway, let me outline the email:

"1. things i appreciate about you:
a. you went out of your way to find out how to get back to my place
b. you spend time with me despite your very busy sked
c. you call me up on the fone everyday and share your day with me
d. you pick me up when i'm down
e. you're very patient with boring ol' me

"2. things i feel about you
a. you're very precious to me
b. i wish we could last forever but i know someday we'll end
c. i'll cross that bridge when i get there
d. in the meantime, i intend to enjoy your company and your presence in my life
e. you're the greatest teacher i've ever had because you teach me not only about life and work, but also about me
f. i'm yours till the end of my days, even if i do find someone else to share my life with

"3. things you should not worry about
a. i've become emotionally attached to you and might pose as a problem in your marriage
b. i'm a sap and i like to be mushy, talking on and on about feelings

"i'm reminded of this line in this movie with jack nicholson, as good as it gets: you make me want to be a better man.

"in my case, you make me want to be a better woman. of course, i always want to better myself, but your presence in my life gives the matter a bit more urgency, a sweet, tender nagging at the back of my head.

"i dunno. maybe this is all just hormones but i mean everything as abovestated. (that is so legalese.) please don't get scared. this is just me sounding off, as sometimes it feels like bursting out of me and it's better i write this to you than blurt things out of the blue. i don't want you to think that i don't appreciate you and the things you do for me (and to me, of course, but you know that last one already!).

"so with that said, i wish you a really good day. i miss you and miss holding you and kissing you in the shower. next time, we'll stay in the shower longer so i can kiss you all over and do things to you...mmmmm............

"P.S. this is a message generated from the heart, no need to reply!"

So. Question answered. I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I'm starting to cry nights. This is so absurd. Free spirit. I never thought of myself as a free spirit. But I'll take his word for it.

Finally, I love.

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